Academy Rules

All students of Hampton's Karate Academy are required to understand and adhere a few simple rules. These rules are intended to help keep classes running smoothly and efficiently, and to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.

1. Show respect

  • Students should always greet their instructor promptly as a show of respect and 'bow in' before entering or existing the matted area of the academy.
  • Respect should also always be given to parents and other elders, as wells as fellow students and peers.
  • Shake hands with your instructor before leaving class to show respect and appreciation.
  • When given a direct command or asked a direct yes/no question by the instructor, students should respond with a commanding: "Yes Sir!" or "No Sir!".

2. Behave responsibly

  • Talking, playing, fidgeting, and other disruptive behaviors are not permitted during class.
  • Listen attentively to the instructor and remain at attention until instructed otherwise.
  • Students should remain silent until they are spoken to or are performing a Kiai (a spirit cry) during Katas.
  • Follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.
  • Students should never handle any equipment or weapons that do not belong to them unless explicitly instructed to do so.
  • All students are expected to help clean up after class, which may include duties such as (but not limited to): putting equipment away and shifting the mats.
  • Students should never leave class without permission or until the class is dismissed by the instructor.

3. Be prompt

  • Arrive to the academy five minutes before class is scheduled to begin. This will give students time to stow their items, fix their uniforms, retrieve their attendance cards, and line up for class to begin.
  • Being tardy is disruptive to the flow of class and should be avoided whenever possible.

4. Dress in uniform

  • Proper school uniforms are required in order to participate in class.
  • Uniforms consist of: traditional gi or dōgi uniform pants, a Hampton's Karate t-shirt, and the student's sash.
  • Uniforms should be clean, neat and un-frayed.
  • Jewelry should not be worn.
  • No shoes are allowed on the matted area of the academy.

5. Come prepared

  • Students should bring an ample supply of drinking water to class.
  • Students must bring their sparring gear to each class.
  • Additional equipment may be required for some advanced and/or specialized classes.

Call 540.899.7777 for a free trial class.

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